Tidigare spel | |
Här är tidigare spelautomater som jag har ägt. 22 av dem tillsammans med en barndomsvän. den stora majoriteten av spelen i listan, är naturligtvis flipperspel, men det finns även en del banditer, arkadspel, väggspel m.m. i listan En del spel ångrar man verkligen att man sålt. Andra var, och är, riktiga stolpskott med en speldesign som gör spelet ytterst trist att spela på! | |
Flipperspel | |
Kronologisk saluordning | Årsmodells-ordning |
"Four Aces" Williams 1970 "Four Seasons" Gottlieb 1969 "Paul Bunyan" Gottlieb 1968 "A Go-Go" Williams 1966 "Outer Space" Gottlieb 1972 "Fun Fest" Williams 1973 "Air Aces" Bally 1975 "Criterium '75" Recel 1975 "Bow & Arrow" Bally 1975 "Top Speed" Recel 1975 "Jolly Roger" Williams 1967 "Aces & Kings" Williams 1970 "OXO" Williams 1973 "Prospector" Sonic/Segasa 1976 "OXO" Williams 1973 "Blue Max" Chicago Coin 1975 "Space Race" Recel 1977 "Pat Hand" Williams 1975 "Four Aces" Williams 1970 "Dealer's Choice" Williams 1973 "Fun Fest" Williams 1973 "Top Speed" Recel 1975 "Space Mission" Williams 1976 "Champ" Bally 1974 "Flipper Cowboy" Gottlieb 1962 "Pat Hand" Williams 1975 "Lucky Seven" Williams 1978 "Target Alpha" Gottlieb 1976 "Bow & Arrow" Bally 1975 "Target Alpha" Gottlieb 1976 "Skipper" Gottlieb 1969 "Big Deal" Williams 1977 "Jungle Queen" Gottlieb 1977 "Grand Prix" Williams 1976 "Capt. Fantastic" Bally 1976 "Heat Wave" Williams 1964 "Suspense" Williams 1969 "Taxi" (Lola) Williams 1988 "Simpsons" Data East 1990 "Goldwings" Gottlieb 1986 "Out Of Sight" Gottlieb 1974 "Silverball Mania" Bally 1979 "Big Deal" Williams 1977 "Target Alpha" Gottlieb 1976 "Strikes & Spares" Bally 1978 "Taxi" (Lola) Williams 1988 "F-14 Tomcat" Williams 1987 "Taxi" (Marilyn) Williams 1988 "Big Guns" Williams 1987 "Gorgar" Williams 1979 "The addams Family" Bally 1991 "Turtles" Data East 1991 "Black Knight" Williams 1980 "Space Race" Recel 1977 "Super Sonic" Bally 1978 "Goldwings" Gottlieb 1986 "Super Nova" Game Plan 1982 "Counterforce" Gottlieb 1980 "The Addams Family" Bally 1992 "Party Animals" Bally 1987 "Dracula" Williams 1993 "Golden Eye" Sega 1996 "Paragon" Bally 1979 "Alien Poker" Williams 1980 "Genie" Gottlieb 1979 "Gilligans Island" Bally 1991 "Pool Sharks" Bally 1990 "Star Trek" Data East 1991 "Radical" Williams 1990 "Monaco" Sonic-Segasa 1977 "The Addams Family" Bally 1991 "Lord Of The Rings" Stern nov 2003 "RollerCoaster Tycoon" Stern 2002 "The Flintstones" Williams 1994 "Revenge From Mars" Bally 1999 "Johnny Mnemonic" Williams 1995 "Big Indian" Gottlieb 1974 "Starship Troopers" Sega 1997 "Indianapolis 500" Bally 1995 "Creature From The Black Lagoon" Bally 1992 "Gladiators" Gottlieb 1993 "Terminator 2" Williams 1991 "The Shadow" Bally 1994 "Indiana Jones" Williams 1993 "The Flintstones" Williams 1994 "Terminator 2" Williams 1991 "Twilight Zone" Bally 1993 "Star Trek The - Next Generation" Bally 1994 "Jumping Jack" Gottlieb 1973 "Strikes And Spares" Bally 1978 "Theatre Of Magic" Bally 1995 "Maverick" Data East 1994 "World Cup Soccer" Bally 1994 "Revenge from Mars" Bally 1999 "Family Guy" Stern 2007 "Out Of Sight" Gottlieb 1974 "Jacks To Open" Gottlieb 1984 "Jacks To Open" Gottlieb 1984 "Black Out" Williams 1980 "Black Knight" Williams 1980 "Fish Tales" Williams 1992 "Fun Fest" Williams 1973 "Cosmic Gunfight" Williams 1982 "Solar Ride" Gottlieb 1979 "Millionaire" Williams 1987 "Indiana Jones" Williams 1993 "Congo" Williams 1995 "Time Warp" Williams 1979 "Haunted House" Gottlieb 1982 "Junk Yard" Williams 1996 Demolition Man Williams 1994 "Funhouse" Williams 1990 "Creature From The Black Lagoon" Bally 1992 "World Cup Soccer" Bally 1994 "Who Dunnit'" Bally 1995 "NBA Fastbreak" Bally 1997 "Wheel Of Fortune" Stern 2008 "AC/DC Premium" Stern 2012 "Last Action Hero" Data East 1993 "Black Knight 2000" Williams 1989 "Fun Fest" 1973 "Dolly Parton" Bally 1978 "Hardbody" Bally 1987 "Silverball Mania" 1979 "Cybernaut" 1985 "Escape From The Lost World" 1988 "Scared Stiff" 1997 |
1962 "Flipper Cowboy" Gottlieb 1964 "Heat Wave" Williams 1966 "A Go-Go" Williams 1967 "Jolly Roger" Williams 1968 "Paul Bunyan" Gottlieb 1969 "Four Seasons" Gottlieb 1969 "Skipper" Gottlieb 1969 "Suspense" Williams 1970 "Aces & Kings" Williams 1970 "Four Aces" Williams 1970 "Four Aces" Williams 1972 "Outer Space" Gottlieb 1973 "Fun Fest" Williams 1973 "Fun Fest" Williams 1973 "Fun Fest" Williams 1973 "OXO" Williams 1973 "OXO" Williams 1973 "Jumping Jack" Gottlieb 1974 "Dealer's Choice" Williams 1974 "Dealer's Choice" Williams 1974 "Champ" Bally 1974 "Out Of Sight" Gottlieb 1974 Out Of Sight" Gottlieb 1974 "Big Indian" Gottlieb 1975 "Pat Hand" Williams 1975 "Pat Hand" Williams 1975 "Blue Max" Chicago Coin 1975 "Air Aces" Bally 1975 "Bow & Arrow" Bally 1975 "Bow & Arrow" Bally 1975 "Criterium '75" Recel 1975 "Top Speed" Recel 1975 "Top Speed" Recel 1976 "Space Mission" Williams 1976 "Grand Prix" Williams 1976 "Capt. Fantastic" Bally 1976 "Target Alpha" Gottlieb 1976 "Target Alpha" Gottlieb 1976 "Target Alpha" Gottlieb 1976 "Prospector" Sonic/Segasa 1977 "Monaco" Sonic-Segasa 1977 "Space Race" Recel 1977 "Space Race" Recel 1977 "Big Deal" Williams 1977 "Big Deal" Williams 1977 "Jungle Queen" Gottlieb 1978 "Lucky Seven" Williams 1978 "Strikes & Spares" Bally 1978 "Strikes And Spares" Bally 1978 "Super Sonic" Bally 1978 "Dolly Parton" Bally 1979 "Silverball Mania" Bally 1979 "Silverball Mania" Bally 1979 "Paragon" Bally 1979 "Solar Ride" Gottlieb 1979 "Genie" Gottlieb 1979 "Time Warp" Williams 1979 "Gorgar" Williams 1980 "Black Out" Williams 1980 "Black Knight" Williams 1980 "Black Knight" Williams 1980 "Alien Poker" Williams 1980 "Counterforce" Gottlieb 1982 "Haunted House" Gottlieb 1982 "Super Nova" Game Plan 1982 "Cosmic Gunfight" Williams 1984 "Jacks To Open" Gottlieb 1984 "Jacks To Open" Gottlieb 1985 "Cybernaut" Bally 1986 "Goldwings" Gottlieb 1986 "Goldwings" Gottlieb 1987 "Big Guns" Williams 1987 "F-14 Tomcat" Williams 1987 "Party Animals" Bally 1987 "Hardbody" Bally 1987 "Millionaire" williams 1988 "Escape From The lost world" Bally 1988 "Taxi" (Lola) Williams 1988 "Taxi" (Lola) Williams 1988 "Taxi" (Marilyn) Williams 1989 "Black Knight 2000" Williams 1990 "Pool Sharks" Bally 1990 "Simpsons" Data East 1990 "Radical" Williams 1990 "Funhouse" Williams 1991 "Turtles" Data East 1991 "Star Trek" Data East 1991 "Gilligans Island" Bally 1991 "Terminator 2" Williams 1991 "Terminator 2" Williams 1991 "The Addams Family" Bally 1991 "The Addams Family" Bally 1991 "The Addams Family" Bally 1992 "Fish Tales" Williams 1992 "Creature From The Black Lagoon" Bally 1992 "Creature From The Black Lagoon" Bally 1993 "Dracula" Williams 1993 "Gladiators" Gottlieb 1993 "Last Action Hero" Data East 1993 "Indiana Jones" Williams 1993 "Indiana Jones" Williams 1993 "Twilight Zone" Bally 1994 "The Flintstones" Williams 1994 "The Flintstones" Williams 1994 "The Shadow" Bally 1994 "Star Trek - The Next Generation" Bally 1994 "Maverick" Data East 1994 "World Cup Soccer" Bally 1994 "World Cup Soccer" Bally 1994 "Demolition Man" Williams 1995 "Indianapolis 500" Bally 1995 "Johnny Mnemonic" Williams 1995 "Theatre Of Magic" Bally 1995 "Who Dunnit'" Bally 1995 "Congo" Williams 1996 "Junk Yard" williams 1996 "Golden Eye" Sega 1997 "Scared Stiff" 1997 1997 "NBA Fastbreak" Bally 1997 "Starship Troopers" Sega 1999 "Revenge From Mars" Bally 1999 "Revenge From Mars" Bally 2002 "RollerCoaster Tycoon" Stern 2003 "Lord Of The Rings" Stern 2007 "Family Guy" Stern 2008 "Wheel Of Fortune" Stern 2012 "AC/DC Premium" Stern |
Arkadspel | |
Kronologisk saluordning | Årsmodells-ordning |
"Comotion" Gremlin 1976 "Twentyone" Videogames "Draw Poker" Bellfruit co. 1984 "Road Runner" Midway 1977 "Space Encounters" Midway 1977 "Blue Shark" Midway 1977 "Nightbomber" Chicago Coin 1971 "Terminator 2" Midway 1991 "NBA Jam" Midway 1993 (videoarkadspel) "Draw Poker" Bellfruit co. 1984 "Draw Poker" Bellfruit co. 1984 Motorcycle Chicago Coin 1975 Sega Rally Champion Sega 1995 "Asteroids" Atari 1979 "Road Riot 4wd" Atari 1991 |
19?? "Twentyone" Videogames 1971"Nightbomber" Chicago Coin 1975Motorcycle Chicago Coin 1976 "Comotion" Gremlin 1977 "Road Runner" Midway 1977 "Space Encounters" Midway 1977 "Blue Shark" Midway 1979 "Asteroids" Atari 1984 "Draw Poker" Bellfruit co. 1984 "Draw Poker" Bellfruit co. 1984 "Draw Poker" Bellfruit co. 1991 "Road Riot 4wd" Atari 1991 "Terminator 2" Midway 1993 "NBA Jam" Midway 1995 Sega Rally Champion Sega |
Banditer | |
Kronologisk saluordning | Årsmodells-ordning |
"Goldfinger" Competition "Goldfinger" Competition "Duplomat" Duplomat "Super Las Vegas #850" Bally 1968 "Super Las Vegas #850" Bally 1968 "Monte Carlo #1117" Bally 1977 "Circus #928" Bally 1971 "Texas Twin #1069" Bally 1975 "Quick Draw #802" Bally 1966 "Las Vegas V #1032" Bally 1974 "Mustang #918" Bally 1971 "Jokers Wild #1009" Bally 1974 "Jokers Wild #1009" Bally 1974 "Circus #1037" Bally 1974 "Circus #1037" Bally 1974 "Circus II #928" Bally 1971 "Circus II #928" Bally 1971 "Quick Draw #802" Bally 1966 "Las Vegas III #961" Bally 1972 "Mustang #918" Bally 1971 "Texas Twin #1069" Bally 1975 "Lucky spinner" Barcrest 1979 "Lucky spinner" Barcrest 1979 "Two Ring Circus" Bally/DAE (konv) "Royal Crown" Cherryföretagen 1982 "Circus #1037" Bally 1974 "Quick Draw #802 Bally 1966 "Sir Price" Bally 1965 "5 Coin multiplier" Bally 1967 "Fire Dance" Bally(1969) |
19?? "Goldfinger" Competition 19?? "Goldfinger" Competition 19?? "Duplomat" Duplomat 19?? "Two Ring Circus" Bally/DAE (konv.) 1965 "Sir Price" Bally 1966 "Quick Draw #802" Bally 1966 "Quick Draw #802" Bally 1966 "Quick Draw #802" Bally 1967 "5 Coin multiplier" Bally 1968 "Super Las Vegas #850" Bally 1968 "Super Las Vegas #850" Bally 1969 "Fire Dance" Bally 1971 "Mustang #918" Bally 1971 "Mustang #918" Bally 1971 "Circus #928" Bally 1972 "Las Vegas 3 #961" Bally 1973 "Circus #928-1" Bally 1973 "Circus #928-1" Bally 1973 "Circus #928-1" Bally 1974 "Jokers Wild #1009" Bally 1974 "Jokers Wild #1009" Bally 1974 "Las Vegas 5 #1032" Bally 1974 "Circus #1037" Bally 1974 "Circus #1037" Bally 1975 "Texas Twin #1069" Bally 1975 "Texas Twin #1069" Bally 1977 "Monte Carlo #1117" Bally 1979 "Lucky spinner" Barcrest 1979 "Lucky spinner" Barcrest 1982 "Royal Crown" Cherryföretagen |
Övriga spel | |
Kronologisk saluordning | Årsmodells-ordning |
"Seeburg" (jukebox) Seeburg 1961 "Harlem" (väggspel) JBM Automater "Pajazzo" (väggspel) Raha-automaattiyhdistys 1981 |
"Harlem" (väggspel) JBM Automater 1961 "Seeburg" (jukebox) Seeburg 1981 "Pajazzo" (väggspel) Raha-automaattiyhdistys |
Tillbaka till spel-listan! |