here is a list of some of the gamelitteratur, books, manuals, schematics, flyers, infocards and more that I'm looking for.

Dragons Lair (Atari 1983)
Dragons Lair Time Warp (Leland 1991)
Dragons Lair Time Warp (Atari 1991)
Space Ace (Atari 1984)
Space Ace (Leland 1991)
Space Ace (Atari 1991)
Cliff Hanger
Esh Aurunmilla
Other arcadegamelitteratur wanted
Midway's "Checkmate"
Americoin's carwreckinggame "Junkyard"
Gamelitteratur to most pinballgames.
The original certificate to my TAFG no 584 wanted.
Litterature to Rollux "Strike"
Litterature to Rotamint "Die goldene 7"
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